20 Incredibly Powerful Self-Help Books for Your 20S

The best self-help books for twenty-somethings that are going to change your life

Let’s talk about self-help books for your 20s.

The importance of taking care of our mental and physical health has never been so significant before.

The goal of improving both our physical and mental health is the same—we all want to become the best versions of ourselves.

There are a lot of books that claim to help you be more, do more, or be less and do less. Now, the question is: how do you know which are the right self-help books for your 20s?

That’s relatively easy. I’ve put together a list of 20 of my favorite must-read books for personal growth and development.

I’m sure you’ll find a few life-changing books to read in your 20s here that you’ll enjoy and that will change your life for the better.

I suggest you borrow these books from the library (to save more money, remember?), and if you really like some of them, you can buy them later to keep going over your favorite parts.

Besides, if you buy a book, you can make notes in that book, which is something you should not do with a borrowed book.

Without further ado, let’s dive into the best self-help books to read in your 20s that I’ve personally read myself as well.

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Now it’s time to dive into some really fun self-help books for women in their 20s

1. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People teaches you seven habits that can help you be more productive, successful, and happy in life.

By adopting these habits, you can improve your relationships, work, and overall well-being. This book is like a roadmap for becoming the best version of yourself.

2. Untamed

In this book, Untamed, the author shares her journey of self-discovery. She encourages readers to break free from societal norms and expectations to live their best lives.

She also encourages readers to listen to their inner voice and pursue their passions.

This book is all about letting your true self shine! By listening to your inner voice and pursuing your passions, you can live a life that’s true to who you are.

3. The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck teaches you how to focus your energy on what truly matters to you.

By not giving a f*ck about things that don’t bring you happiness or fulfillment, you can lead a more fulfilling life.

This self-help book is a game-changer! It’s a must-read for anyone who wants to prioritize their well-being.

Besides, this book is certainly among the best self-help books for 20-year-olds because it taught me how to finally let go of unimportant things and start caring about things that really matter.

4. Think Again

Think Again: The Power of Knowing What You Don’t Know is all about the importance of being open to new ideas and willing to challenge your own beliefs.

The author states that by embracing intellectual humility, we can learn more, make better decisions, and live more fulfilling lives.

It’s a great read for anyone who wants to broaden their perspective and keep an open mind.

5. 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos

12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos provides 12 principles that can help you find peace and happiness, even in the face of life’s challenges.

Everyone that I know says that it’s certainly one of the best books on self-development.

From taking responsibility to treating others with kindness and respect, this book talks about everything you need to know to live your best life.

6. Atomic Habits

Atomic Habits is a game changer for anyone who wants to build good habits and break bad ones. It teaches you how to make small changes that can lead to big results over time.

Whether you want to improve your health, work, or relationships, this book is a great resource! 

7. The 48 Laws of Power

The 48 Laws of Power shares 48 tactics and strategies for gaining and maintaining power in all areas of life.

Whether you’re looking to improve your career, relationships, or personal life, this book will help you out. Just keep in mind that not all tactics may align with your personal values and ethics.

8. You Are a Badass

You Are a Badass is a fun and inspiring read that encourages you to believe in yourself and become the person you were meant to be. The author shares her own journey.

She encourages readers to break free from limiting beliefs, pursue their passions, and live their best lives. It’s a must-have book for anyone who wants to become a badass!

This is another one that is certainly in the top three self-help books for your 20s that you’re not going to regret reading.

9. You Do You

You Do You: How to Be Who You Are and Use What You’ve Got to Get What You Want is all about embracing your unique qualities and using them to get what you want out of life.

The author inspires readers to be true to themselves and not apologize for being themselves. It’s a great read for anyone who wants to live a life that’s true to who they are.

10. Girl, Stop Apologizing

Girl, Stop Apologizing is a call to action for women to believe in themselves and not apologize for their ambition and success.

The author encourages women to pursue their goals, dreams, and passions and not let anyone hold them back.

This is one of those self-love books for 20-year-olds that everyone should read at least once.

11. The 5 Second Rule

The 5 Second Rule is a quick and easy read that teaches you how to overcome procrastination and self-doubt.

The 5-second rule is a simple technique for taking action, even when you’re feeling scared or unsure.

Whether you want to improve your personal life, career, or relationships, this book will give you a helpful push in the right direction.

12. Unfu*k Yourself

Unfu*k Yourself: Get Out of Your Head and Into Your Life is a motivational read that encourages you to get out of your own head and into your life.

The author shares advice for overcoming negative self-talk and taking control of your thoughts and emotions.

If you’re looking to be more confident, successful, or happy, this book is a great resource.

13. The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a F*ck

The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a F*ck is a funny and empowering read that will help you stop caring about what other people think and start living for yourself.

The author shares practical tips and advice for prioritizing your own happiness and well-being so that you can focus on what really matters.

14. The Secret

The Secret is a popular book that teaches you the power of positive thinking and the law of attraction.

The author claims that you can attract success, happiness, and abundance into your life by focusing your thoughts and emotions on what you want.

This is one of the best self-help books for 20-somethings that will help you tap into the power of positive thinking and the law of attraction.

15. 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do

13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do is a practical guide to developing mental strength and resilience.

The author shares 13 habits and behaviors that mentally strong people avoid, including self-doubt, negative self-talk, and overthinking. Isn’t that what we all want?

16. Think Like a Monk

Think Like a Monk is a wise and inspiring book that will help you cultivate a monk-like mindset.

By adopting the wisdom and habits of monks, you’ll learn how to live mindfully, stay grounded, and handle life’s challenges with ease.

This book is your personal guide to becoming a peaceful, happy, and fulfilled person.

17. The Miracle Morning

The Miracle Morning is a fun and transformative read that will help you start your day with energy and purpose.

The author shares a simple but powerful morning routine that will help you cultivate habits and attitudes that lead to success and happiness.

Get ready to change your life with this inspiring book!

18. Everything Is Figureoutable

Everything Is Figureoutable is a motivational and empowering handbook that will help you turn your dreams into realities.

The author claims that with a positive attitude and persistence, you can figure out anything and achieve your goals.

Unlike most self-help books, this one teaches you the power of a positive, problem-solving mindset.

19. The Power of Your Subconscious Mind

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind is a fascinating and enlightening book that will help you unlock the power of your mind and achieve your goals.

Let me explain why this is among the best self-improvement books for young adults.

By tapping into your subconscious mind, you can overcome limiting beliefs, improve your habits, and achieve success and happiness in all areas of your life.

What are you waiting for? Unleash your inner potential with this fascinating book!

20. The Five Love Languages

The Five Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts will help you deepen your relationships and find love that lasts. There are five “love languages,” or ways of expressing and receiving love.

By understanding your own love language and the love language of your partner, you can build a stronger and more fulfilling relationship.

If you’re looking for a deeper, more meaningful relationship, this book is for you!

Before you leave, make sure to check out my blog posts about incredible law of attraction books that you should read and the best self-discovery books for women.


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a pin that says in a large font self-help books for your 20s

These were some really good self-help books for your 20s that I suggest you read

What are the best self-help books to read in your 20s, in your opinion? Have you had a chance to read any of the ones I mentioned above? Do you have any additional suggestions? Let me know in the comments below!

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